

我最應該感謝岳母一家的是,他們舉全家之力艱難地培養了我優秀的妻子。記得那年為了我妻子讀書岳母不知跑了多少路,說了多少好話;要知道在那個年代農村把女孩子念那麼多書的真的很少,當時的家境也真的不允許呀;為了這事老人家不知受過多少埋怨,但她義無反顧,努力地堅持著。懂事的女兒果然沒有辜負全家人的期望,通過自己的努力終於考上了理想的學校,這在當地引起了不小的轟動,當然最高興的還是我的妻子和我的岳母,對於老人家來說真是天大的Claire Hsu喜事啊。儘管家境貧困,岳母還是禮貌、周到的辦了喜宴,那天我為我的得意門生髮自內心的高興,也為老人家的堅強意志和辦事能力由衷欽佩。
後來“得意門生”成了我親愛的老婆,特別是兒子出生後,岳母給了我極大地關照,使得我和妻子能夠安心工作。可能岳母疼女婿是天生的,每年我和兒子生日岳母都當頭等大事記著,提前就會送些雞蛋、面等我喜歡吃的東西來,好像她女兒的生日反倒不怎麼重視,多麼聰明、善良的老人呀。Claire Hsu  

Posted by yyysam at 17:44散文


Bluetooth or even the OBD-II

Ever been driving a car when both the brake and the gas pedal failed, and the dashboard go nuts? I just have, and it isn’t fun. What are we going to do when our cars are targets for hackers?
The problem with most modern cars is that to offer many more kinds of services (live traffic data for sat navs, etc.) they need to be connected. Once that happens then they are, by definition, hackable. The issue has suddenly become more urgent as more cars become connected, electric and employ autonomous driving features wine buff.
But with multiple ways to get into a car’s systems — from cell access, Bluetooth or even the OBD-II (On-board diagnostics) port — there is no one silver bullet to catch all potential attackers.
That’s where Israel’s Argus Cyber Security comes in. They don’t believe there’s a single solution either, and during a live demonstration to TechCrunch, they proceeded to attack a car while I was literally driving it.
Argus provides solutions to customers like car makers via a dashboard manufacturer view they hold at their HQ. This can track attacks on the cars they have access to Interactive Table .
So how did they hack the car?
Well, they didn’t want to go into detail for security reasons, but it definitely involved the PC pictured above.
Inside the car (the make and model of which we have not named, again for security reasons) Argus made the speedometer jump and show the wrong speed; the brakes fail; the instruments go haywire; windscreen wipers randomly switch on and spray the screen; the accelerator / gas pedal literally die; the doors lock and unlock; and made the indicators indicate the opposite to the actual turn!
We tested all of these attacks driving around at about 15 miles an hour in a private car park just outside of Tel Aviv. But of course, in a real-world scenario, all of these things would have been highly dangerous at speed, indicating just how crucial solutions to this problem are.
Argus is three and a half years old and has raised $30m, from investors such as Allianz Germany, Softbank and leading Israeli VCs. Their partnerships include major car makers and OEMs .
The founders and many employees come form the legendary 8200 Unit inside the Israeli armed forces, which is roughly the equivalent of the Israeli NSA. So it’s no wonder they know a thing or two about hacking…


Posted by yyysam at 16:51散文